In vitro fertilisation

The most personal technology

Demand for, and expectations of, in vitro fertilisation are growing. The technology is struggling to keep up, write Catherine Brahic and Sacha Nauta

The most personal technology

In vitro fertilisation is struggling to keep up with demand

Developing the technology to change that is proving a difficult task

If at first you don’t succeed…

IVF remains largely a numbers game

And plenty of clinics are taking advantage of that

Selling hope

The fertility sector is booming

But many women must go abroad to afford treatment: the third article in our special series

Our bodies, ourselves

Not all types of families can access IVF

Some governments are very clear who they want to help

Eggs from elsewhere

Some women need eggs from others, or from their younger selves

Donation and preservation are becoming increasingly widespread

Eggs from scratch

New ways of making babies are on the horizon

But it is likely to be a long time before ordinary people can benefit

Conception, reconceived

Lack of basic research has hampered assisted reproduction

Finally that may be changing

Between the lines

Video: Why we know so little about human reproduction

Inside our correspondents’ investigation into the future of fertility

In vitro fertilisation

Sources and acknowledgments

Previous report