
The sports page

Max Verstappen’s brilliance is hurting Formula One

F1 has a boredom problem

Ill liberals

How to cancel “cancel culture”

Two new books examine the brokenness of wokeness


Where to look to find enlightenment

A new book looks at India’s role in sating spiritual searches

When the music stops

“Here We Are” and the question of what to do with unfinished art

Stephen Sondheim’s last work is a rollicking musical—for the act that he probably wrote

War in the Middle East

The Israel-Palestine conflict: a reading list

Six books that shed light on a century of violence

Movie marathons

Why films have become so ridiculously long

Popular films are nearly 50% longer today than in the 1930s

The sports page

Cricket will make the Olympics bigger and better

As the games feature more sports, they should be spread across several cities

Back Story

David Beckham’s guide to celebrity

As a new series on Netflix shows, it takes more than just a pretty face

Digital worlds

Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog lead a 2D turn in entertainment

Metaverse be damned, games and movies are adopting a retro look

A state of affairs

A new book describes John le Carré’s philandering

He described his affairs as a “necessary drug for writing” as they mimicked spycraft


Young Americans are losing the southern accent

Millennials and Gen Z sound increasingly like their countrymen

Sleepy heads

Why do people sleep? And other unanswered questions

A new book, “Mapping the Darkness”, explores the active world of sleep research