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Special reports

Battlefield lessons

The war shows how technology is changing the battlefield. But mass still counts, argues Shashank Joshi

Special reports

Cashless talk

The fight over payments systems is hotting up around the world. There may be surprising winners, says Arjun Ramani

Special reports

A difficult new world

Everything about carmaking is changing at once. The industry must reinvent itself to keep pace, says Simon Wright

Special reports

Insert coin

As video games move from teenage distraction to universal pastime they are following the same path as other mass media, says Tom Wainwright

Special reports

Frontline Formosa

Taiwan’s fate will, ultimately, be decided by the battle-readiness of its people, says Alice Su

Special reports

Erdogan’s empire

Approaching its centenary, Turkey faces an election that could decide its future as a democracy, argues Piotr Zalewski


Special reports

Renovation required

Giorgia Meloni’s new government must make deep reforms if Italy is to regain its lost vitality, argues John Peet

Special reports

The challenge of the age

Adapting to climate change is urgent, feasible and woefully underfunded, argues Edward McBride

Special reports

The world divided

China wants to change, or break, a world order set by others. It may yet succeed, says David Rennie

Special reports

Regime change

Surging inflation and rising demands on governments have brought a pivotal moment for economic policy, says Henry Curr

Special reports

Violent crime in America

After a long decline, violent crime in America is rising again. Daniel Knowles looks at what can be done

Special reports

ESG investing

The environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach to investment is broken. It needs to be streamlined and stripped of sanctimoniousness, argues Henry Tricks

Special reports

Latin America

Latin America is stuck between stagnation and street protest, argues Michael Reid

Special reports

China in Africa

To counter China’s growing role in Africa the West must first understand it, say Gady Epstein and John McDermott

Special reports

Central banks

Central banks are under attack for failing to stop inflation. That partly reflects being given too many other jobs to do, argues Rachana Shanbhogue

Special reports


Florida is booming and becoming more important, with big consequences for America, says Alexandra Suich Bass

Special reports

Private markets

The past decade has been a golden one for private financial markets. As they become bigger they are being dramatically reshaped, says Matthew Valencia

Special reports

The new interventionism

After a long liberalising era, the state has bounced back. That is not a good thing, argues Jan Piotrowski